Tracer – Generator Monitoring System

Managing Remote Generators is a difficult task especially managing their performance and Servicing. Tracer Remote Generator Tracking will provide detailed data on the Generator Run hours, Power generated, Fuel consumed etc., on your desktop.

Locate the Generators using the inbuilt GPS functionality track the real-time location of the generator fleets

Log engine run hours Get detailed reports on the number of run hours clocked by each generator along with the energy generated, consumed, load status, etc.,

Monitor the health Access common generator parameters like oil pressure, engine temperature, battery voltage, power output, diesel levels, engine run time and engine rpm, etc.,

Remote operations and control Remotely Start / Stop your generator in the field from any location, Reduce expensive ON site service visit.

Monitor fuel level & Usage Get instant information on the fuel level, consumption, fuel-filled, etc.,

Receive alarms on critical events Get instant email alerts and SMS alerts on critical parameters

Company Statistics

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